PHILIPPI, W.Va. — Barbour County, West Virginia, bursts into life during the spring and summer months, marking the season with an array of fairs and festivals that celebrate the region’s rich heritage, culture, and community spirit. These events, set against the backdrop of the county’s stunning natural beauty, offer something for everyone, from traditional country fairs to unique local festivals that draw visitors from near and far.

One of the highlights of Barbour County’s festive calendar is the Annual Barbour County Fair, held in late August 24-31 this year. This cherished event, steeped in tradition, features a week of activities that encapsulate the heart of rural American life. Livestock exhibitions, craft displays, and agricultural contests sit alongside thrilling carnival rides, live music performances, and delicious local cuisine, offering a comprehensive family-friendly experience. The fair’s crowning glory is the Queen’s Pageant, which selects a local representative to embody the spirit and values of the community throughout the following year.

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